1-48.Which of the following statementsis generally true of wood posts?1.They are placed directly belowwood girders2.The width of the post should beequal to the girder it supports3.They are always embedded inconcrete1-49.The crawl space for a structureshould have what minimum distancebetween the ground and the bottomof the girder?1.24 in.2.18 in.3.16 in.4.12 in.1-50.In platform framing, a floor joistrests directly on which of thefollowing components?1.Top plate only2.Sill plate only3.Either 1 or 2 above4.Exterior foundation1-51.What is the recommended method forconnecting header and floor joists?1.Face-nailing with 12d nails2.Face-nailing with 16d nails16-in. OC3.Face nailing with 10d nails16-in. OC4.End nailing with 16d nails1-52.What is the correct sequence forsecuring a subfloor and crossbridging to the floor joists?1.Nail the subfloor, then the topand bottom of the bridging2.Nail the top of bridging, thenthe subfloor, and finally thebottom of the bridging3.Nail the top and bottom of thebridging, then the subfloor4.Nail the bottom of thebridging, then the subfloor,and finally the top of thebridging1-53.Which of the following structuralcomponents serve to tie the entirewall together?1.Studs2.Corner posts3.Top or bottom plates4.Trimmers1-54.Bottom plate layout should includemarks for which of the followingframing members?1.Floor joists only2.Corner posts only3.Header joists only4.All of the above1-55.Temporary bracing used for wallalignment should be removed at whatpoint during construction?1.After wall alignment iscompleted2.After exterior sheathing iscompleted3.Before the ceiling joists areplaced4.After all framing and sheathingare completed1-56.What is the main structuralfunction of a ceiling frame?1.Support the finished ceiling2.Support the top of nonbearingpartitions walls3.Tie the exterior walls together4.Support the weight of therafters1-57.Backing at the top of walls serveswhat purpose?1.Tie the walls together2.Provide additional nailing areafor joists3.Keep the studs spaced properly4.Provide nailing surface for theedge of finish ceilingmaterials5
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