2-12.The hypotenuse is the longest sideof a right triangle.1.True2.False2-13.Which of the following framingsquare scales is NOT used in roofframing?1.Octagon2.Hundredths3.Tenths4.Twelfths2-14.On a framing square, the longestlines on the hundredths scaleindicate how many hundredths of aninch?1. 52. 103. 254. 502-15.On a framing square, where is theoctagon scale located?1.Back side of the tongue2.Down the face of the tongue3.Down the face of the blade4.Down the middle of the backside of the blade2-16.To use the octagon scale on aframing square, you set one leg ofthe divider on the first dot of thescale, and the other leg of thedivider/dividers on the dot whosenumber corresponds to whatdimension of the piece to be cut?1.Width in inches divided byeight2.Width in inches divided by four3.One-half the length of thecenter line4.Width in inches2-17.How many tables does a framingsquare have?2-18.Which of the following framingsquare features is primarily usedfor estimating board feet?1.Brace table2.Essex-board table3.Rafter table4.Octagon scale2-19.On a framing square, where is thebrace table located?1.Back of the blade2.Face of the blade3.Face of the tongue4.Back of the tongue2-20.A gable roof slopes in how manydirections?1.One2.Two3.Three4.Four2-21.The run of an overhang should bemeasured between what two points?1.From the top plate to thebottom of the ridgeboard2.From the building line to theplumb line of the ridgeboard3.From the building line to thetail cut on the rafter4.From the ridgeboard to the tailcut on the rafter2-22.A bird’s-mouth is formed by whattwo cuts?1.Tail and heel2.Ridge and tail3.Seat and ridge4.Heel and seat2-23.The length of a rafter from theheel plumb line to the shortenedplumb line is known as what type?1.Actual2.Theoretical3.Line4.Common1.One2.Two3.Three4.Four7
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