Eight Seat
Two 4-foot 6-inch trough-type urinals are
A plan view of an eight-seat field-type latrine is
furnished with the eight-seat latrine. Each is mounted
shown in figure 9-24. Two four-seat boxes straddle a 3-
in a frame constructed as shown in figure 9-26. A
by 7-foot pit. After the pit is dug, but before the boxes
2-inch urinal drainpipe leads from the downpipe on
are placed, a 4-foot-wide margin around the pit is exca-
each urinal to a 6- by 6-foot urinal seepage pit. The
vated to a depth of 6 inches, as shown in figure 9-25. A
seepage pit is constructed as shown in figure 9-27.
layer of oil-soaked burlap is laid in this-excavation.
As indicated in figure 9-24, the eight-seat field-
Then, the excavated earth is soaked with oil, replaced,
type latrine can be expanded to a 16-seat field-type
and tamped down to keep surface water out.
Figure 9-26.-Frame for urinal trough.
Figure 9-27.-Urinal seepage pit.