field-type shower and a washroom is shown in figure 9-20.Basically, all field structures are derived from the16- by 32-foot wood-frame tent. However, if more tentspace is needed, a 40- by 100-foot model is available.This tent is not difficult to assemble because it is puttogether without a floor. It can be erected without astrongback frame since it comes complete with ridgepieces, poles, stakes, and line, and does not requireframing. But no matter how easy erection may seem,always read and follow the instructions.SEA HUTWhen the 16- by 32-foot wood-frame tent ismodified with a metal roof, extended rafters, andscreened-in areas, it is called a Southeast Asia (SEA)hut. An example of the completed product is shown infigure 9-21. The SEA hut was originally developed inVietnam for use in tropical areas by U.S. troops forberthing; but, it can readily be adapted for any use inany situation. It is also known as a strongback becauseof the roof and sidewall materials.The SEA hut is usually a standard prefabricatedunit, but the design can be easily changed to fit localFigure 9-20.-Floor-framing plan.Figure 9-21.—Completed SEA huts.9-12
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