requirements, such as lengthening the floor or makingthe roof higher. The standard prefabrication of a SEAhut permits disassembly for movement to other loca-tions when structures are needed rapidly. As with alldisassembly of buildings, ensure it is not damaged inthe process.FIELD-TYPE LATRINESTemporary facilities for disposal of human wasteare one of the first things to be constructed at an advancebase. A number of field-type latrines are designed forthis purpose; a 16-by 32-foot wood-frame tent maybeused to shelter the latrine.Four SeatA prefabricated four-seat latrine box is shown infigure 9-22. It can be collapsed for shipment, as shownin figure 9-23.Figure 9-23.-Latrine box collapsed for shipment.Figure 9-22.-Prefabricated four–seat latrine box.9-13
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