General CommentsDon’t be careless with bolts, nuts, and miscellane-ous fasteners just because they are furnished in quan-tities greater than actual requirements.Be carefulwhen using these fasteners to prevent scattering themon the ground. Each evening, empty your pockets offasteners and other small parts before leaving theerection site.An extra amount of mastic or sealant is also fur-nished with each PEB. Here too, reasonable care inapplying mastic to roof panels and roof accessoriesensures an adequate supply.Crating lumber can be used to construct an en-trance platform and stairs at each end of a PEB. Figure9-18 shows one way this might be done.DISASSEMBLY PROCEDURESDisassembly of a preengineered building shouldnot be difficult once you are familiar with the erectionprocedures. Basically, it involves accurately markingthe parts and following some basic steps.Figure 9-18.-Crate platform.MarkingIt’s obvious but worth repeating: In disassemblinga building, be sure to clearly mark or number all parts.You will then know where the parts go when reassem-bling the building.StepsThere are five main steps in disassembling a PEB:1. Remove hardboard liner panels.2. Remove windows, door leaves, and end wall.3. Remove diagonal brace angles and sag rods.4. Remove braces, girts, and purlins.5. Let down frames.Handling of the building components during dis-assembly is very important. You may have to reusethese same components again at another location. Asyou complete disassembly, protect those componentsfrom damage. Any damaged components will have tobe replaced, and time might not be on your side.WOOD-FRAME CONSTRUCTIONLEARNING OBJECTIVE: Upon completingthis section, you should be able to identify thecharacteristics of wood-frame tents, SEA huts,and field-type latrines.There are three basic types of wood-frame con-struction of concern to Builders: tents with woodframes for support; SEA huts (developed in SoutheastAsia during the Vietnam war); and field latrines.WOOD-FRAME TENTSFigure 9-19 shows working drawings for framingand flooring of a 16- by 32-foot wood-frame tent,Tents of this type are used for temporary housing,storage, showers, washrooms, latrines, and utilityspaces at an advanced base.Tent floors consist of floor joists (16-foot lengthsof 2 by 4s) and sheathing (4- by 8-foot sheets of1/2-inch plywood). The supports for the floor framingare doubled 2 by 4 posts anchored on 2 by 12 by 12mudsills. The wall-framing members are 2 by 4 studs,spaced 4-feet OC. The roof-framing members are 2 by4 rafters, spaced 4-feet OC. The plates (2 by 4s) andthe bracing members (1 by 6s) are fabricated in thefield. A representative floor-framing plan for a9-10
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