Burnout Type
A complete plan view of a four-hole burnout field-
type latrine is shown in figure 9-28. The waste goes into
removable barrels. The waste is then disposed of at
another location. This type of latrine is used at most
advanced or temporary bases. The burnout latrine is
kept in an orderly condition (daily) by the camp main-
tenance personnel or the assigned sanitation crew. It can
be easily maintained by spreading lime over the waste
material or using diesel fuel to bum the waste material.
Once wood frame facilities are completed and oc-
cupied by the tenants, maintenance becomes the major
priority. The life span of a facility is greatly increased
with proper maintenance. Even though the majority of
these buildings are temporary in nature, most cart be
dismantled and reassembled at another site. Estab-
lishment of a regularly scheduled maintenance program
ensures the buildings are in a consistent state of readi-
this section, you should be able to identify the
components of, preparation procedures for and
procedures used in the erection of a K-span
The K-span building is a relatively new form of
construction in the Seabee community. The intended
uses of these buildings are as flexible as the SEA huts
discussed earlier. Training key personnel in the opera-
tion of the related equipment associated with the K-span
is essential. These same personnel, once trained, can
instruct other members of the crew in the safe erection
of a K-span. The following section gives you some, but
not all, of the key elements associated with K-span
construction. As with other equipment, always refer to
the manufacturers manuals.
The main component of the K-span system is the
trailer-mounted machinery shown in figure 9-29. This
Figure 9-29.-Trailermounted machinery.