TM 9-243TYPES AND USES - ContinuedSCREW PITCH GAGESSMALL HOLE GAGE SETScrew pitch gages are made for checking the pitch ofU.S. Standard, Metric, National Form, V-form, andWhitworth cut threads. These gages are grouped in acase or handle, as are the thickness gages. The numberof threads per inch is stamped on each blade. Sometypes are equipped with blade locks. The triangular-shaped gage has 51 blades covering a wide range ofpitches, including 11-1/2 and 27 threads-per-inch forV-form threads.Screw pitch gages are used to determine the pitch of anunknown thread. The pitch of a screw thread is thedistance between the center of one tooth to the center ofthe next tooth.Small hole gages are adjustable, having a roundedmeasuring member. A knurled screw in the end of thehandle is turned to expand the ball-shaped end in smallholes and recesses. A micrometer caliper is used tomeasure the ball end. Maximum measuring capacity is1/2 inch. This set of 4 or more gages is used to checkdimensions of small holes, slots, grooves, and so forthfrom approximately 1/8 to 1/2 inch in diameter.TELESCOPING GAGESTelescoping gages are used to gage larger holes and tomeasure inside distances. These gages are equippedwith a plunger (1) that can be locked in the measuringposition by a knurled screw (2) in the end of thehandle (3). Maximum measuring capacity is 6 inches.Measurements must be calipered on the gage by amicrometer, as in the case of the small hole gages.They are also used when measurements cannot betaken with a standard micrometer. Telescoping gagesare particularly adaptable for roughly bored work andodd sizes and shapes of holes. Compress the plungersand lock them by turning handle screw.16-3
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