TM 9-243TYPES AND USES - ContinuedTHREAD CUTTING TOOL GAGESThread cutting tool gages are hardened steel plates withcutouts around the perimeter. Each cutout is markedwith a number that represents the number of threads perinch.These gages provide a standard for thread cutting tools.They have an enclosed angle of 29 degrees and includea 29 degree setting tool. One gage furnishes the correctform for square threads and the other for Acme standardthreads.FILLET AND RADIUS GAGESThe blades of fillet and radius gages are made of hard-rolled steel. The double-ended blades of the gage havea lock which holds the blades in position. The inside andoutside radii are on one blade on gage (A). The othergage (B) has separate blades for inside and outsidemeasurements. Each blade of each gage is marked in64ths. Each gage has 16 blades.DRILL POINT GAGEThe drill point gage consists of a 6-inch hook rule with a59 degree sliding head that slides up and down the rule.The sliding head can be locked at any position on therule and is graduated in 1/32 inch. This gage is used tocheck the accuracy of drill cutting edges after grinding. Itis also equipped with a 6-inch hook rule. This tool can beused as a drill point gage, hook rule, plain rule, and aslide caliper for taking outside measurements.WIRE GAGESA wire gage is circular in shape with cutouts in theoutside edge. Each cutout gages a different size wire,from 0 to 36 of the English Standard Wire Gage. Aseparate gage is used for American standard wire andanother for U.S. Standard sheet and plate iron, andsteel.Similar gages are also used to check the size of hot andcold rolled steel, sheet and plate iron, and music wire.16-4
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