Figure 5-25.—Steel cross tee assembly.Most ceiling panel patterns are random and do notrequire orientation. However, some fissured panels aredesigned to be installed in a specific direction and areso marked on the back with directional arrows. Wheninstalling panels on a large project, you should workfrom several cartons. The reason for this is that the color,pattern, or texture might vary slightly; and by workingfrom several cartons, you avoid a noticeable change inuniformity.Since ceiling panels are prefinished, handle themwith care. Keep their surfaces clean by using talcumpowder on your hands or by wearing clean canvasgloves. If panels do become soiled, use an art gum eraserto remove spots, smudges, and fingerprints. Somepanels can be lightly washed with a sponge dampenedwith a mild detergent solution. However, before washingor performing other maintenance services, such aspainting, refer to the manufacturer’s instructions.Ceiling TileCeiling tile can be installed in several ways,depending on the type of ceiling or roof construction.When a flat-surfaced backing is present, such asbetween beams of a beamed ceiling in a low-slope roof,tiles are fastened with adhesive as recommended by themanufacturer. A small spot of a mastic type of con-struction adhesive at each corner of a 12-by 12-inch tileis usually sufficient. When tile is edge-matched, staplingis also satisfactory.Perhaps the most common method of installingceiling tile uses wood strips nailed across the ceilingjoists or roof trusses (fig. 5-26, view A). These areFigure 5-26.—Ceiling tile assembly.5-19
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