PILE BENT—Two or more piles driven in a rowtransverse to the long dimension of the structureand fastened together by capping and (sometimes)bracing.PILE BUTT—The larger end of a tapered pile; usuallythe upper end as driven.PILE CAPS—A structural member placed on top of apile to distribute loads from the structure to the pile.PURLIN—Horizontal members of a roof supportingcommon railers. Also, members between trussessupporting sheathing.QQUAY—A margin wharf adjacent to the shore andgenerally of solid filled construction.RRAFTER—A sloping roof member supporting the roofcovering and extending from the ridge or the hip ofthe roof to the eaves.RAKE—The inclined position of a cornice; also theangle of slope of a roof rafter.RIDGE—The long joining members placed at theangle where two slopes of a roof meet at the peak.RISE—In a roof, the vertical distance between the plateand the ridge. In a stair, the total height of the stair.SSASH—The movable part of a window.SILLS—The first members of a frame set in place.SOFFIT—The underside of a subordinate member ofa building.SPAN—The shortest distance between a pair of rafterseats.SPECIFICATIONS—Written instructions containinginformation about the materials, style,workmanship, and finish for the job.STUD—The vertical members of wooden forms orframes.TTRUSS—A combination of members, such as beams,bars, and ties; usually arranged in triangular unitsto forma rigid framework for supporting loads overa span.WWAINSCOT—A wall covering for the lower part of aninterior wall; can be wood, glass, or tile.AI-3
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